Yesterday my beautiful mother in law turned "29";) I tried my hand at making one of those cute birthday cake flower boques for her.... Happy Birthday "Grandma" as Noah is working on saying ... so far he has "happy" down pat :)
I photographed baby Abigail with her mommy and daddy on Saturday, just before her two month birthday. Abby wasn't too terribly into the photo shoot, but its hard to go wrong when there is this much love in a room :)
Behold.... Noah, climbing the mighty stuffed animal mountain. Well, its that time of year again... the time of year when toys start flying out of our house into the arms of happy children around world.... and you have to begin to wonder is Noah's daddy Santa Claus?? John's ebay prep for Christmas sales is in full swing. Tonight he was busy sorting through some of the stuffed animals we have collected over the summer in order to start taking pictures and post. Noah was busy too, climbing the mountain of plushes that filled the living room. Let me just add a disclaimer that our living room doesn't usually look like this, although Noah certainly doesn't mind the mess!
Last Saturday I had the joyful experience of photographing Olivia, Joshua, and Nathan. This adorable set of twins and their awesome big brother were so much fun and you could just see their love for each other as they ran around exploring the park. What a great family!